Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i was laughing...

I got somethings from National Bookstore today for my requirement in art appreciation. There were a lot of people.

Anyway, going back i rode a jeepney. Approaching near USJ-R in Basak a passenger tap a coin on the handle bar(like what the filipinos are use to do inside a jeepney for the jeppney to stop and the passenger can go down), the passenger was a girl, as she was going down jeepney the Kunduktor or the money collector reach out his hand. The first thing that came into mind was the Kunduktor will help the girl go down the jeepney because the jeepney was high. to my surprise the Kunduktor only took the money and left the girl on her own.

Talking about being a GENTLEMAN. try to reflect...

I was laughing after what happened. i don't want to judge. i leave it to you. Good Luck!

Monday, December 21, 2009


For the fourth and last time i won the table tennis single division of the college intrams

Thank you Lord for guiding me the whole time.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Christmas Card to Everone !!!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Eveyone !!!

I'm Tired

I am not a graduating student in college, i am now experiencing a great pressure from the school at the same time in the seminary.

Thank God my classes are over for the year, i am now just waiting for our Christmas break to start. this week will be our intrams week and after that i am going home.

This Christmas break my batchmates in the seminary will be going to CEBU for a vacation and at the same time our bonding. yehey !!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remembering the PAST...

4th Year
3rd Year
2nd Year
1st Year

As i was browsing my external hard disk this afternoon, i came across these pictures. When we were 1st yrs, we were 33. 2nd yrs, we were 28. 3rd yrs, we were 28, and we graduated 22.

those were the years in high school...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Like a fourth student again...

Last september 11, 2009 was the funeral mass of Fr. Macky. I was shocked by the salesians that were present, there were a lot of them from the North and the south province.

Before the funeral mass, i saw Fr. Godo and Fr. Nioret. i greeted them. after the mass, i saw Fr. John Cardinal. its been a long time seen we haven't seen each other, its like three years now. i join Fr. John in the table and we talked for a long time. while talking to him, I remembered my high school years in Lawaan.

That night during my meditation, I came to realize that, that morning i was like a fourth year high school seminarian in Lawaan. Fr. Niret as my RECTOR, Fr. Godo as the ADMINISTRATOR, and Fr. John my PRINCIPAL. You can see it in the picture above during our graduation. The only Salesian lacking was Br. Don2x. Those were the years and they are now part of my history.


Another week...

another week done, we got two more weeks to finish our off campus practice teaching. it had been very tiring but at the same time very consoling. the encounters with the students, teaching them and talking to them in their breaks. all these things has a lesson with them.

and after a hard week, nothing beats sitting at your table and make a rosary. just to relax and enjoy what i am doing.

Friday, September 11, 2009

We will miss you...

This photo was taken last February 24, 2009 Provincial Day North Province. (Kanlungan Area)

Today, Fr. Macky was laid to rest here in Canubang. Looking at the salesians and the people that were present, i can really say that Fr. Macky was a good person.

we will surely miss you Fr. Macky.

Bro. Jomar Castillo SDB

Saturday, September 5, 2009

after a week....

After a week of practice teaching, finally i was able to rest.

Last tuesday we started with our OFF CAMPUS practice teaching. i myself was assign in Camp Vincente Lim National High School.

Together with me are: Jm, Roman, and Jules...

I was struck by the public school... it is really different from the private school.

Now the question: "Is it a JOB or a VOCATION?" would be nice question nowadays.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thesis Approval

Finally, At LAST...

The title of our thesis was accepted by the panel.

"Teachers Personal Qualities and their relationsip to the intrinsic motivation of the students"

the group is compose of: James Aro, Jan Renan Parala and Roman Bonifacio Torres.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Everytime I go HOME

Every time i would go for a vacation, i would always go through a lot of process. It would usually take around six hours before i would finally arrive at our house.

From Canlubang to NAIA airport - From Mactan International Airport to the house and vise versa. of course, money is a problem but the important thing is i would be able to see my parents and my grandmother and nothing could stop me from going back home.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Last August 15, 2009 was the anticipated mass for the feast of the ASSUMPTIONS. the whole EPC had a mass and after the mass was the opening of the intramurals as an institution.

After the opening, there was an exhibition game, the seminarians against the different football players in the campus. we were hoping to win against them and luckily we did. We won 5 - 2. During the duration of the game, many emotions were seen and heard but we played for fun and for Mama Mary.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Great True Friend

"Truly Great Friends are hard to find, difficult to Leave and Impossible to forget"

Friday, August 7, 2009

Prayer for a Happy Death By Former President Cory Aquino

One of my friends told me the news that the former president Corazon Aquino made a prayer for a happy death. I was so eager to see it that i got a copy and i want to share it to all:

Prayer for a happy death by former President Corazon Aquino

Almighty God, most merciful Father
You Alone know the time
You alone know the hour
You alone know the moment
When I shall breathe my last.

So, remind me each day,
most loving Father
To be the best that I can be.
To be humble, to be kind,
To be patient, to be true.
To embrace what is good,
To reject what is evil,
To adore ony You.

When the final moment does come
Let not my loved ones grieve for long.
Let them comfort each other
And let them know
How much happiness
They brought into my life.
Let them pray for me,
As I will continue to pray for them,
Hoping that they will always pray
for each other.

Let them know that they made possible
Whatever good I offered to our world.
And let them realize that our separation
Is just for a short while
As we prepare for our reunion in eternity.

Our Father in heaven,
You alone are my hope.
You alone are my salvation.
Thank you for your unconditional love. AMEN


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is it a JOB or a VOCATION?

its been two weeks now since i started my practice teaching in Don Bosco College, in the high school department. i am bet-by-bet realizing the real job of a teacher. i can really say that becoming a teacher is not only a job but a vocation.

teaching is not easy, imagine, you are to discipline thirty six students not blood related to you and you have to control yourself not to hurt the students if they are noisy, playing or doing other things not related to your subject inside the classroom.

i can really say that, i am paying the things that i had been doing inside the classroom before when i was a student myself.

standing in front of the classroom, i can feel that some of my students look at me as if i know everything, like i am a walking encyclopedia or dictionary.

earlier, i said that teaching is not just a job but a vocation. in this job, it takes a lot of patience and understanding. each teacher will have to understand his students like what i am doing in my class.

looking at the work of a teacher on the point of view of the practice teachers like me, i can say that it is not easy to teach, discipline and form the students inside the classroom but it is consoling outside the classroom, playing with them or just be there with them in their lunch break.

i was struck by one of my students who once told me: "Sir, bat ang bait nyo sa labas pero ang sungit nyo sa loob ng classroom?" actually, it made me think.

its been a long time

its been a long since i open this blog of mine. i was not able to update this due to the hectic schedule that i have here in the seminary.

i will try my best to update this every now and then.