Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Everything has a PURPOSE

There are certain things that are happening around us that we cannot really explain. We tend to see everything as if it is ok but everything is just a cover-up. We then ask why are these things happening? Is there a purpose in all these? There is a purpose for everything but we cannot see it immediately. We have to look at it in the eyes of faith.

I remember a story that was once told by a Salesian. In a village, the people prayed for rain and on the day for the prayer only one boy brought an umbrella with him. That is what we call FAITH. When a baby is thrown in the air he smiles because he knows that someone will catch him. That is what we call TRUST. When we sleep in the evening, we are not certain whether we will still wake up in the morning and yet we plan our activities for the following day. That is what we call HOPE.

Some of the things that happening to us may not be to our liking but God allow these things to happen for a purpose. Yes, a purpose. We may not see it now but in due time. I invite you to put your trust in God and always remember that life without God leads to emptiness.

1 comment:

Barry said...

i love this!
