Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sermonette (7th Day)

Topic: Simplicity
June 28, 2011

It is quite ironic for a person who owns a number of gadgets yet will talk to you about simplicity.

Do you notice anything when you look at the cross? (points to the cross inside the chapel of DBFC). It was in May 1, 2006 when Fr. John Cardinal, who was then our principal called me and told me that the other guy who was suppose to be with me in Canlubang backed out just that morning. And so he asked whether I still want to continue. Without the knowledge of my parents I said YES so he asked me to come here to get the requirements I needed to fill-up and to meet Bro. John who is now a priest, the batchmate of Fr. Arvin Abatayo. When I arrived here, I went straight here in the Chapel and I was sitting in one of the pews and I looked at the cross with the question in mind: “Is this what you want from me? Do you want me to go to Canlubang?” While looking at the cross I noticed something. In the abs or the stomach part of Jesus. I saw another face of Christ; I don’t know if the one who made that did it on purpose. While looking at the cross I then I realized that Jesus himself obeyed the will of his father. Why can’t I do the same? After all it is his will not mine for without him I am nothing.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said, “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" From these words of Jesus, he is telling us that if we want to follow him we must detach ourselves from the worldly things that are around us. In other words Jesus is challenging us to be simple. Are you willing to detach yourself from earthly things to follow Christ.

Let us look at Don Bosco. He grew up from a poor family and has really nothing just enough for them to stay alive. Don Bosco believed in the divine providence that God gave him. Can you imagine a poor man from Turin was able to build a big Basilica in honor of Mary Help of Christians or start a congregation for the poor and the abandon and we are aspiring to be sons of him one day. Don Bosco was a simple man but he accomplished a lot of things in his life.

As human as we are, we have the tendency to make our life complicated by acquiring needless things that we can live without. We have worries in life like; what am I to eat tomorrow? Will I still wake up in the morning? Will Manang Lily cook HUMBA on Saturday? And all these things… We become so anxious that we lose focus on what is important and true in this life. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus said: "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Jesus did not worry about what is to happen next because he knew that God would provide what is needed. How about you, do you also worry what will happen next?

Simplicity is a grace that makes us become like little children. It enables us to know who we really are in front of God, without any masks or pretensions. It is a gift that makes us become single-hearted and single-minded. It enables us to recognize and live the truth. The simpler we become, the more our entire life becomes unified with God’s love and truth.

Allow me to share to you a story. In a small barangay in the land far far away, there is a young boy who is the only child of the family. Since he is the only child, he is well loved and he is very fortunate to have anything he wants. One day this young boy made a decision that shocked his parents for they were not expecting such a decision. He wants to enter the seminary. His parents did not know what to do but they wanted him to be happy so they permitted him thinking that he will be bored inside the seminary and eventually leave one day. This young boy was ready and willing to give up his treasures in life to follow Christ. Just imagine that young man leaving the comforts of the outside world (he can have night life with his barkada, he can enjoy watching movies in cinemas, all the gadget he wants and etc). Sa bisya pa mo-ingon ang uban: kinsa nalay mopadayon sa imong apilido dong? Ka sayang… (sayang ba gyud kaha?) I don’t know if Alvin is also asked with the same question knowing that he to is the only child of the family. Back to my story, while inside the seminary and with the help of his formators and Spiritual Director, he was able to clarify his vocation and he gladly answered that call without any regret. That young boy in the story is now enjoying his life with the Salesians and he is the person standing in front of you. Yes, you are looking at him. Nine years ago, I made that decision to enter the seminary. As early as twelve years old I was already inside the seminary. I stayed here in this very campus for four years before this place became the College Seminary. I met great salesians and they inspired me to follow Don Bosco by their examples. The likes of: Fr. Randy, Fr. Nioret who was my rector for four years, Fr. John Cardinal, and Fr. Ronel. Then I went to Canlubang for my College Seminary (why Canlubang and not DBFC, it is another story to tell that is reserve for another occasion but if you want to know you can ask me later).

We may have all the treasures in life but to follow HIM we must be simple. Like what I said earlier, the simpler we become, the more our entire life becomes unified with God’s love and truth. What about you? The challenge is: Are you willing to give up your greatest treasures in life to follow him?

Lastly, I would like to share what Fr. Bong wrote on my paper: “God provides for those who let go” indeed he really provides.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Have mercy on us

1 comment:

Barry said...

nindota sa imong sermonette kuya uie! nakarelate jud ko dayon labi na jud atong pagsulod nimo sa seminaryo kay nasulti naman to nimo nako!